I need some help.

I stopped taking Junel 1.5 on the 10th of this month (it was my last pill) and ever sonce the 12th I have been feeling horrible anxiety, depression, extremely low sex drive and I feel no attraction towards anyone including my partner.

I am freaking tf out, I am getting spikes of arousal every now and then but i’m dry as hell down there, I am so confused on why I feel no desire or attraction to anything or anyone but this is worrying.

My sex drive was actually super high on the pill, but now since I came off I feel no desire to do anything. Even the thought of kissing makes me gag... Have any of you taken Junel 1.5 and if so have you experienced these problems?

This is my 3rd month on the pill, I technically missed a month because my last pill of my last pack was on the 14th of Sept. and my first pill of this pack was on the 21st of Oct.

I felt no symptoms like this when I missed a month but I was only taking them for 2 months and it was pretty inconsistently, like missing or being late for a pill every other day kind of inconsistent so idk if that could cause me to not have these symptoms or what.