Is He cheating update!!!!

Keonna • Keonna Addison🌟 Mommy of one angel baby 😇💖 Rainbow Baby due April 8, 2019🌈 🤗 wife 07•24•16💍

So im 19 weeks 4 days pregnant with my first child. Before i got pregnant my BF cheated on me i found out because durring my annual Papsmear my dr. calls me with results saying i have Trichamonis, and ghonorea (however the hell you spell it). Then i find out he was cheating on me though screenshots of him talking to another female as soon as i go get checked i get all of these messages from random people telling me what he was up to AFTER THE FACT I CONTRACTED A FREAKING STD. 😡 I confronted him he gets mad throwing and i leave the housr then and he tells me he so sorry and he loves me and it wont happen again.. .after time, Me being young dumb and in love (him being my first everything) i forgave him and moved on(i know i know dumb asf). We both got treated and waited the suggest time until we had sex again... atleast i think we did (4days). Well a month later i get pregnant. And i go in for another Papsmear and results come back that i only got Trichamonis this time now isnt that odd.....When she told me i had it she asked me same partner? And i said ofcourse then she said i might need to talk to him about him having other partners because its odd that i only had one std this time but i didnt wanna believe that he did mess with somebody else and i tell him everything that went down and now i see how hes acting (in defensive mode) like he was when he was messing with that bitch in wv makes me question everything again...before i act an ass on him and confront him could it be that we didnt wait long enough the first time but if so how didnt i get both stds back and only one. Which is really just an sti....he takes penicillin for his tooth abscess and has been for a while and he nuts inside of me everytime we do it, could that have given me the infrction? Idk about these types of things. Somebody please give me advice!!! 😢 almost 5 months pregnant and this sort of thing can really hurt my baby and i told him this and he just act like he doesnt care and that alone i have a huge issue with becuase he says he doenst have anything and he's not going to get checked when he knows hes putting his daughter in danger if he doesnt. I told him i wasnt giving him any until i seen dr. Paperwork saying hes in the clear. But idk yall. This is stressing me out and i know i shouldnt be....

Update: i made him go to the hospital to prove himself and i went with him and he was clean. How tf is that even possible?? Unless my OB was wrong how tf did i have the STD he didnt and hes the only person I HAVE EVER BEEN WITH IN MY LIFE??