Fake Eviction Notice To Scare Husband


So my husband has been either not putting up at all or skimping on his half of the bills for the past 1-3 months.

He finally said that he would begin to automatically transfer funds to our joint account this month, but I have YET to see ANYTHING and I know that he gets paid on the 1st and the 15th.

I am highly irritated with him but don’t want to say anything bc we’ve already addressed this and he’s an adult who needs to take care of his responsibilities. I am trying to wait until the first of the month to see if he pays or even says anything about the money. Meanwhile I’m noticeably irritable and don’t know how to act. I’ve been transferring extra money from my bank account just to cover the bills and I am starting to feel used.

I am thinking about asking my landlord if she could send a fake eviction notice to scare him into paying.

Has anyone been in a situation where they’ve been angry but don’t want to react immediately? What should I do if the first comes and goes and no bills are paid? Honestly if all the bills weren’t in my name I’d just let the lights and water be shut off just so he could see how trifiling he is.
