I let my kids CIO, someone call CPS

We all have different parenting styles and I hate that everyone claims they don’t judge but they do hard core. Whenever someone on here speaks interest in the CIO method they get shot down so bad as if they are the worst parents in the world for even CONSIDERING it. It’s crazy to me! There has been studies putting the other studies to shame saying it causes depression and anxiety. I have two children both who are Under two currently. I have used the CIO method for both. Within days they both were self soothing and both now sleep 12-13 hours a night. There’s so much research saying why this method works. It’s harder on the parents than it is the crying child. I urge anyone who is interested in it do your research and don’t ask on here and get shunned. It’s a wonderful method and it works. And my kids are HAPPY AND HEALTHY!