Could I be pregnant?


Okay so got my last period oct. 15-19

I have sex the 29th. According to my app my ovulation day was supposed to be the 31. I was supposed to start my period 4-5 days ago. Nothing. I’ve had so much watery cm. I honestly felt like a damn slip n slide down there. My boobs have been tender. Craving weird ass things like corn dogs. So tired, like I’ve gone to bed at 8:30 for the past 4 days. I tested about a week ago and it was negative ( 3 days before af, bcc of my symptoms) and then tested day of af. Looked negative maybe faint faint line. Idk

Today I wipe and it’s pink and I was cramping, so I’m like okay. Af is coming. Lemme put in a light tampon, 4 hours later I took it out and barely anything was on it. I mean like a tiny little spot of pinkish-red blood. All cramps have stopped. Usually not like this for my period. It’s usually like someone turns on a hose, how heavy I bleed. But not today.

Anyone have any experiences like this?

If so, please comment and tell me how it went.


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