Anyone had twins but the 1st sonogram only showed one?


Ok so this sounds weird but I have a doppler and about an inch apart I hear 2 separate heartbeats. Not my own. Definately baby heartbeats sounds like a galloping horse and very easy to lose if I move the probe even in the slightest. One is to the lower left and one is at the top almost dead center but leaning more to the right by the angle of the probe. Could it be possible that I'm hearing one baby in 2 very different spots. I'm 9 weeks so I know the baby isnt very big. Has anyone else had this same thing happen? Can twins even be that far apart? I already have 2 kids and a full time job so I'd prefer to not have twins. But I've just had this feeling and now that kinda has me spooked. Just wondering about anyone elses experience here.