9 week old baby arching back


Our 9 week old baby arches his back frequently. It seems to be doing it intentionally in different situations. He does it commonly when he is held and uncomfortable, when he wants to get out of his lounger or rock n play, when he is stretching, when we are trying to put him into car seat, when he is doing tummy time, and sometimes when he is just laying down.

I don’t think it’s reflux because he LOVES laying on flat surfaces and isn’t overly fussy. I also have heard it can be autism but I don’t think that is the case because he has GREAT eye contact, is very social and loves to smile.

Has anybody else experienced this and if so what was the outcome or what have you figured out? He doesn’t seem uncomfortable but it’s hard to hold him and people ALWAYS make comments about it so I’m starting to get concerned. First time mom here. Pics for reference.