Anyone else envy larger families?

Maybe its just because of the holidays coming up, but I am so sad that I have a small family. I grew up with no cousins or extended family (I have them, but they’re all in different countries so I don’t really ‘count’ them.) and now my kids are also growing up without any cousins or much family besides my parents. My friends just had a new baby and of course I’m happy for them but I also notice the amount of love they’re getting, all the posts, tagging, congratulations etc. (huge family) and it just made me realize, when we had our two girls we didn’t have visitors or anyone to congratulate us, aside from the FB mom groups and my parents. My parents also live 10 hours away. I feel like I’m rambling and maybe I just wanted to vent but yeah, it almost makes me want to have a million kids so we can break the ‘small family’ thing. 🙃😅😭