So sorry for the novel. I needed to rant!


So I have never blogged so much with complaining ever in my life but I just cant get over how disrespectful and stressed out my company has made me my ENTIRE pregnancy. I was really sick for my first 5 months of pregnancy and would actually even go into work throwing up because I didn't want to miss work but they of course would send me home..I would call out if I had a really rough day using my PTO etc. WELL one of the days I came back I was pulled into a meeting having my job threatened because I was out of "unscheduled" PTO and needed to go on FMLA immediately. I was like wait what I have 23 days of PTO BUNDLED with everything...why do we have a bundled PTO balance if we get threatened after 5 days of unscheduled?? Uhm. Cool. So my dr. Bent over backwards to do all this paperwork and ended up having to do it 5 times because they "did not like what he wrote"..? I threw a fit and got a " oh he didnt have to redo that so many times" LIKE WHAT okay welp you made him!!!.. more stuff happened after that got semi resolved..ish.. and now I'm 9 months pregnant due date is December 5th but 2 cm dilated and contracting and I'm trying to just work as long as I can so I have so much time with my baby boy and part of my job has been to lift paperwork..not heavy but lift. I have NEVER asked for help but my coworkers said absolutely not we will bring the few boxes to you etc. such wonderful woman! MY BOSS held a meeting without me being present stating that I did not provide a note (I have like 2 weeks left I'm not nothing my doctor for a note that they'll process late when I could go anyday really) and have no restrictions and in NO WAY should anyone help me with any heavy lifting etc. I was in shock with that but that's the work place I guess! I decided last week i would just start my leave being uncomfy, contracting and dilated but because the paperwork for my continuous is not fully ready i would need to have my dr. Write ANOTHER note for them. Now mind you this company and these people said to me since day one we are here for you we want you to enjoy your pregnancy. But when it comes to profit and money etc. They always need "notes". They NEVER talk to me and NEVER answered my questions when I would try to understand the process of being a first time pregnant person and they would be too busy. Now I wanted to start me leave and took last Friday off to relax because I was super uncomfy and I was on the phone ALL day and emailing all day. So now it bring Monday. My husband doesn't want me going into work..hasnt wanted me to and he's just bullshit that people are allowed to stress out a pregnant woman this much because his company caters to the sick, pregnant, any other issues employees they have. But I told him I'm giving them no more and I'll be working until this little guy is literally about to come out of me because I do not want ANY stress when he arrives. They ruined my pregnancy enjoyment and learning process.. they are not going to stress me out when he gets here! Sorry for the novel ladies just needed to rant!