38 weeks exactly

Brittany • Mama of 2 pregnant with #3due March 16 2025

All I hear “your bump is so small” “it’s so high”

Well she’s healthy and she’s already dropped head engaged confirmed by ultrasound so we’re doing just fine.

“How are you feeling?” Do you REALLY wanna know? Cuz I can’t just look at you and say “good” because the truth is most days lately I want to rip someone’s head off, if I eat more than 2 bites of a meal I throw up and have terrible heart burn and acid reflux. I wake up choking on it. When I sit for more than a few minutes and go to stand up I have to walk like T. rex for a few steps because there is a head in my pelvis. A head. In my. PELVIS.

The list goes on.

It’s brutal honesty, but I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything in the world. I love my daughter and I am just SO ready to meet her. And I’m SO over this heartburn 😋