ANSWERS!!‼️‼️ pleaseeeee

So I miscarried in September I had an complete miscarriage passed everything and I took a test everyday until I got a negative to know my hcg levels went back down and November 11th I started a tan/brown discharged for 6 days only when I wiped and it stopped November 16th no type of itch nor burn no sign of infection so I just pushed it to the side last night around 11 I started feeling twigs and pulling in my pelvic area and I went to the restroom and was happy because knowing I’m about to start a period finally after my miscarriage and get my body back regular so I seen the pinkish blood only when I wiped so I said great so I put on a pad and I woke up this morning hoping to see more there wasn’t nothing on the pad so today I said I’m put on another Incase it come on maybe it’s just slowly leaking it’s been 3 hours since I had the pad on and I just went to the rest room still nothing is there ..? Could it be I’m pregnant again?