I've been so mean to him


My fwb and I first started messing around in maybe February and we've been on and off since then but in general we are really good friends. We don't like to make shit complicated and over the summer when we were just by ourselves getting it in, it was great. But now school has started again and that's where we are starting to have problems. Some people would call our dynamic toxic but they just don't understand that we aren't dating, we aren't a couple, we just fuck. He's not my man and as long as he's honest with me about who he wants to mess with outside of just us and is safe, gets tests regularly, we're cool. The same applies to me.

Recently he's been telling me about this friend I have who is gay, mind you, who he wants to try to get with. Our whole relationship is on the low, cuz we don't wanna cause drama at school, but she is one of my very good friends so I tell her some things about us. In turn she even more so doesn't entertain his advances and makes it clear that she doesn't want to overstep even as his friend as well.

I appreciate that she does this very much but lately because of him trying to get with her, I've been so mean and shady towards him and I feel so terrible. One day I got angry and completely exposed our relationship to her in an effort to idk deter her from getting with him, but she's gay so I know she wouldn't. And I talked all kinds of shit about him and was so disrespectful to him and I feel terrible. He and k havent talked in several days now and I've apologized profusely because I'm not that kind of person, idk what came over me tbh.

So I was just wondering if you guys had any advice as to why I've been so in my feelings or how to amend the situation or anything. Even just honest opinions or clarifications on this whole mess would be greatly appreciated.