Nexplanon sucks

Okay so I started the Depo shot back in 2013 and had eventually lost my monthly period and last year my doctor told me I needed to change BC's because I had been on the shot too long and it was going to start causing my muscles and fertility to get messed up. So we decided the Nexplanon srm implant was a good fit. I got it put in in December of 2017 and Septemeber 2018 I started having a cycle again which I figured might start happening. It wasn't heavy at all and only lasted for about 6 days, then I noticed at the end of September I got another one, and then one in October and I just chalked it off to being irregular but fine now and I started again on November 7th but it hasn't gone away since then. So I'm going on almost 2 weeks of bleeding. I called the medical assistant at the doctors I went to get it in and she told me it's common and that it might never stop bleeding and that abunch of females have actually been getting theirs removed recently due to that problem. Im only 20 so me and my boyfriend definitely aren't ready for kids yet but we talked about it in 2-3 years so I'm trying to be on BC for the time being.... But my problem now is I dont know what to get on if I get it removed or if I should just wait and hope it goes away eventually?? Has anyone else had this problem? What did you switch to after you got it taken out?