36 weeks no contractions not dialated

Jolanta • Expecting our little #1, happily married 😊

So at 35 weeks during my strep b test my doc decided to check my cervix because she noticed that baby has significantly dropped (this I already knew as the pressure and pain made it obvious he was even lower than usual). I was told I was completely closed. All of that week the only pain I would get is from his head sitting so low on my cervix and the intense pressure but no abdominal tightening or period like cramps. I decided to start the red raspberry leaf tea and also dates since I read that both help soften and prep your cervix but won’t put you in labor unless baby is ready. (Side not I did NOT want baby to come now, but all this talk on here about women having contractions and starting to dilate made me feel a little nervous about going over due date or even worse needing to be induced.) Anyways, a week after drinking the tea, eating the dates I had my 36 week visit today and although still no contraction or BH I was excited to see if there was any progress. Well...nope absolutely closed shut. I can’t help but be a little nervous that since this is my first that I will go over my due date or worse need to be induced which I know comes with a higher chance of C-section which I’m terrified of. My due date is already a week before Xmas and I was hoping he would come at 39 weeks and have 2 weeks before Xmas but going over due date would be such a bummer. Anyone else 36 weeks with absolutely no signs of labor approaching?