37 weeks 4 days ultrasound big baby


So we had another ultrasound today baby still doesn’t wanna show and tell. So we don’t know if our little one is a prince or princess. Baby is still measuring in the upper90% so they are almost 100% positive baby is at at least 8lbs right now. For the 1st time my cervix is actually showing change I’m 50% effaced I know it doesn’t mean labor is imminent but I’m thinking I may start labor on my own for the 2nd time..... kinda excited. Doctor says have lots of sex and thin out the rest and you’ll dilate before you know it. As I’m at a 2 for dilation. Any other tips to help these contractions come closer as they are 15 minutes apart. I did pineapple one time and it worked, however I can no longer eat pineapple 😞. Oooooo and baby has hair!!!!!