Sent straight from my mother in law in heaven...

The Mrs. • Wife. Mom x5.

I don’t know if you all believe in signs or not but let me tell you, I totally do.

My mother in law passed away earlier this year and right before she passed, I had a miscarriage. Honestly, her health was fading and when I told her that I was pregnant, she perked up and was so happy. As soon as I miscarried, her health went south FAST. To this day, I almost feel this morbid type of if I hadn’t miscarried she’d somehow still be here. I know that’s ridiculous but I can’t help it.

After she passed, my husband I started debating on whether or not we should try for another baby. We have three kids already and we were kind of leaning towards “let’s just be grateful for what we do have,” especially after the miscarriage...I wasn’t sure if I wanted to risk that again.

However, I couldn’t shake the idea that I was meant to have more kids. So, one especially bad day when I was alone in the living room, I yelled out “mom, please give me a sign...I can’t do this...I need your advice”

That day I went to the grocery store and went to grab some eggs. I always open them to check for any cracked ones and I opened one and stopped dead in my had a cardinal sticker inside (someone/probably a child) has left it in there. Cardinals were here fav bird and she associated them with “visitors from heaven,” so I grabbed that carton and was on my way.

Got home and didn’t think anything else of it until the next morning when I cracked an egg and it was a double yolk. * Disclaimer* my family associates double yolk with pregnancy and I had told my MIL about during one of the first convos I had ever had with her.

Ladies, that entire carton was double yolk and so was the next TWO CARTONS. That was a total of 72 double yolks in a month. I buy the 24 packs. I took pics but unfortunately didn’t save them.

So, we decided it was a sign and that we should start trying. We got pregnant on our first or second shot with our three kids and the miscarriage but it just wasn’t that easy this time.

Well, ladies! I’m pleased to announce that I finally got a positive !! And I went on an online due date calculated and I’m due on...


Sounds far fetched but you just can’t make this stuff up.

I am so excited and I know this baby is an angel straight from the arms of my MIL.