Friendship question


So as I’ve grown up all of my friends have changed and we have all gone separate ways. As much as I didn’t want to things changed and they weren’t the same people. So now I only have ONE friend that I see. I have two others I talk to some but we live so far apart that it makes distance and we don’t talk as much. So only one friend to hang out with and that I see or can really talk to. I’d consider her my best friend. Anyways, I don’t know what to do. She is narcissistic and only cares about herself. If I have an issue in my life I’ve noticed she COMPLETELY ignores it and only talks about herself. She doesn’t care about anything going on with me. Just cares about herself. Ignores me to focus on herself. That’s gotten to be all we talk about is her. I know it seems I’m exaggerating but I’m not. Literally all about her nothing me. I am completely ignored. If I say anything about me I get no response. She just talks about herself. So I’ve started to not say anything about me and we just focus on her. I’m so lonely I go along with it but I’m so isolated. I am completely isolated! I have no one. I can’t share anything with anyone. I don’t have anyone. Nothing about me not just issues. But I deal with EVERYTHING in her life. I feel like I don’t matter at all. I mean I have a lot going on and no acknowledgment whatsoever and my best friend doesn’t care about me. I have no one to talk to. I don’t know what to do. I’ve noticed our friendship doesn’t seem equal. Why don’t I matter at all? Is that normal? What do I do? I don’t feel like this is healthy, and lately it’s made me depressed and question my self worth like I don’t matter. How can someone so close to me not even care about me at all? She is my only friend now. College changed everyone and friends from high school we all grew apart going to different schools.

I post this here just because I want to get it off my chest. It’s been bothering me for a while, and I have no one else to talk to. I’m sorry