Just when I was ready to give up


I’ve been in a relationship with my bf since I was 17, we made it through college , living in different states and we just have grown up and have went through a lot. In his early 20s he started becoming unfaithful. Which looking back I guess seems normal for a 21 year old guy. But anyway , I’ve dated other people and what not and we some how ended back together. This past year has been really tough because I move out of Nyc because I needed to get mentally well and financially stable. I was just all over the place. He had to stay because his mom is elderly and sick so I said a year I’ll be back. He comes and Visits we somehow made it work. But it’s been really tough. Just because we were arguing so much and it’s tough to be far from someone you love let alone someone you have trust issues with . Anyway we had a breaking point Which we have never had . I think we both were honest about what we wanted & what we wanted from each other. He had opened up about the past cheating and said he was young and dumb and I need to stop bringing it up because we won’t move on and I told him what I needed from him. Which was a laundry list of things lol but it all boiled down to the same thing . We have to be committed to taking care of each other and our relationship. Which comes with good and bad. Anyways we were able to rebuild our foundation just by waving the white flag and dropping the guns. It’s almost like we’re the adult version of what our teen years were lol we’re so much happier. There are times where I wanna kill him lol but I even see how bad he’s trying . And that makes me so happy. Lol all these pictures are from like 17, 18 & 19 lol I’m 26 the last one is from this summer . Btw I’m not saying stay with a cheater lol especially after a certain age . I’m saying if you don’t wanna give up on your person which sometimes you need to do. Def put your weapons down & have a talk . No crying just get on the same page see what your partner wants from you and lay down clear boundaries. Love will only get you so far . But if it works then god enjoy the love . I cant believe we spent so much time fighting . When we could be getting fat and having great sex. Like we’re moving forward and it feels great !