Not my babys daddy...

Katlyne • Single Momma of 2💜 Annabella Desire’e Lee 👶🏻👑👸🏻🌈 12.04.17, 8lbs 5.5ozs. Edward Alekzander 👶🏻👑🤴🏻♥️ 02.06.19, 8lbs 12ozs.

Back in May I was talking to a guy, we'll call him "hunny"... Well things happened and I ended up with someone else, we'll call this someone else "donor". Well I got pregnant by donor. After I found out I was pregnant, donor became more abusive than he already was, he would already raise his fist and cock it back at my face, punch walls even brick walls beside my head, scream at me, a bunch of stuff. Well upon finding out I was pregnant he cut his wrists in front of me, called me non-stop, put a knife to his throat flipped a bed on me... You get the picture, So, I left donor.

Months go by and it's mid October, i get back in contact with hunny and it was an immediate connect all over again... I told him everything I'd been through in the past few months, explained that I was at the time 5 months pregnant, that didn't stop him from continuing to talk to me.

Well, here we are now, dating. We see each other every single day, he considers my son his, and even asked if he could be his DAD instead of step dad, in which I agreed. He takes care of me and my son, he talks to my belly to make sure my little boy knows his voice, he buys things for him, ect.

I just feel so beyond blessed to have this man... Technically, he's not my baby's daddy.... But, in the eyes of anyone who knows the situation he is the only daddy my son has 💜

I'm posting this here because I can't post about it anywhere else... My pregnancy is a secret because I fear for mine and my son's safety (for obvious reasons) if donor we're to find out I'm still pregnant.. and my relationship is a secret from most people because my ex husband is petty.

Soo, if you read this far, hopefully it was worth it. Here are some pictures of me and my hunny💜

Him asleep holding my belly💜

And my sweet baby boy, who we can't wait to meet in 11.5 weeks💜💜💜