Any 30 something, second time moms still mentally debating a 3rd baby?


I think I want to try a third time for a babygirl, but then I worry about having too many littles and not enough time for me and hubby’s relationship. Also, the idea of a third boy comes into play as well so I want to be sure a 3rd child (no matter the gender) is what we want. Ugh 😑 I’m so excited about babyboy #2 but I’ve always seen myself with a daughter (both pregnancies) Also I’m 30 something and Idk if I should just try again in a yr or wait and have a third down the line (start again?) vs (get it over with) vs (go with the flow) vs (decide after labor and this kids personality surfaces) ?? Anyone else have these thoughts.. Anyone was brave enough to try for a third? Or fourth? Just wondering