Breaking Up

My head is all over the place . Please bare with me . It’s easier said than done . I want to break up, but I don’t . Does that make sense ? We are always fighting . He says I am a fuck up . Because I don’t have a job, I got Laid off . I am looking for one . We have a baby. We’re constantly fighting . He is always using his phone when I am around but he doesn’t really text me when I am not around . We don’t love together as we live in a very expensive area and my mom watches the baby and she lives across town so I stay with her . He stays with my MIL . He told me he went through a lot before I came around . And I did too . But, I didn’t get so fucked up in the head that everything is a problem to me . He doesn’t even give me money for our child . I buy everything . Maybe 1 time every 2 months he will buy a SMALL box of diapers & an 80 pack of wipes . IF I AM LUCKY . Ohh & we weren’t together throughout my pregnancy . I took him back when baby was 2 months old . Anyway . He is also jobless . So I can see why he is always upset . But, I help him so much . I actually give him money if he needs it and I have it . But, I can barely get $20 from him . There’s so much more . He can have social media but I can’t . I caught him sending hearts & kisses to some girl on Snap . & I am still here . He has a child with someone else . He told me if I had another child we wouldn’t be together . But his ex before me had a kid . I. Just don’t know why I am not enough for him . I don’t understand why I am still with him . I don’t know what I am doing . I am depressed . He calls me fat . I am honestly just thick with some pregnancy weight that won’t leave & my stomach is just loose from the pregnancy as well . We are so different . I need advice please ladies.