Is he cheating ?? I'm 7mths pregnant living together... he stopped having sex with me..

So since we got pregnant our sex life has gone down hill. He stopped touching me and making excuses like he's tired..

I brought it to his attention that I'm hurt that I can't have him anymore sexually that I have to ask for his permission if I can even touch him

There never is that spark anymore.

I asked him one night if he can go down on me.. He said no I'm too tired .. (he used to be obsessed with kissing me down there that he used to actually beg me to let him) now he dosent wanna even touch me down there.

I thought it was me , maybe I smelled.. or like cause I'm huge with a big bump at 7 months pregnant .

But that night we argued and I slept in the living room. His laptop was sitting next to me and I went on it and seen Skype conversation between him and a girl he works with...

I'm actually heart broken. I dont know why me , what is so wrong with me that he needs the attention of other girls.

Pink is her

Blue is him

Does this seem like something more than what it is?

I finally confronted him the next day , I asked what is so wrong with me , I get that I'm fat , that I've stretch marks that I can't do everything like I used to because I'm uncomfortable. But what did I do to deserve this.

He was confused and asked what's wrong

I said who's "X"

And he said she's a girl from work. And I said so she's just a work colleague?

He said yeah

I broke down and said it dosent seem like just friends. What's so great about her that I don't have. Why are you doing this to me . Why am I not enough. And I told him that I seen the conversation

He said that it was just abit of fun.

And I said to him not to make that excuse that it's not just fun.. it's serious. You flirt with other girls but you don't flirt with your own girlfriend..

Anytime I try to flirt with him he totally rejects me but seems to flirt with others :( so it really hurt.

He swore to me that it was just messages and he is sorry that he never physically had slept or anything else with anybody else.

I said to him that I physically can't do this anymore. That if this dosent change and get better right now then I can't be in a relationship with someone who dosent like me the same way. And he is like I wanna marry you , I want us to be a family , I don't want anyone else your my world.

But I didn't believe any of it :( he hurt me so much. He said he will make it up to me every single day and show me how much he wants this.

(He used to say that before and changed for 1 week and it just went back to the same issue)

But that night he himself actually approached me to have sex , he went down on me for the first time in months. For the first time in months he himself approached me sexually.

I just wanted to cry because it felt like he is only doing this because of what happened:(

But I wasn't going to reject him , I want him every day :(. But I feel like now that I've caught him sending these messages , that he will do it again but much more secretly.. :(

Opinions ??

#update I've just texted him (he's at work) that I want him to delete every girl except his family off Snapchat. (He already deleted and blocked that girl from the above conversations beside me)

But once I texted him that he automatically said " fine I will delete them all off now but only if you delete all men off your Facebook and Instagram."

- I never text any boys , I deleted all men off my snapchat for him before .. I have also done so on my Facebook and only have people on it I am very close to...

On Instagram I hold 3 K followers because I used to do alot of modelling so having a big following on Instagram was a way of enabling me to engage and advertise my work to get more work.. But I've stopped it.

I post stuff about me and him on social media and how perfect he is.. He never does that about me anymore neither.

I told him that if he dosent wanna delete these girls off Snapchat then if it's worth loosing me over it then fine. I wouldn't of asked him to do that if he wasn't flirting at work.. I haven't been chatting to other men I don't see a reason why should I delete all men on my social media. Am I being unreasonable asking him to delete all girls ?


So after him "working on it " and "making it up to me " for 2 days and actually wanting to have sex with me . It's just gone back to normal - What it used to be... having to ask him to touch me .. or even for me to touch him.. and his excuse is I'm tired.

Once again he's teasing me all day on about how we can have some fun later and then when I try and approach him he makes different plans..

I'm ready to give up. It's been like this for over a week. Since he " said he's gonna fix it". Stopped to even kiss me goodnight or even hug me at night in bed.

So I went and bought myself flights to go away for a week to see my family abroad as I don't have any family except my dad in this country . And because cause I just need space.

So when I'm back and it's still going on like this for another week I think I might just give up. I'm done trying to make something work when in reality it only changes for a day or 2 when I actually make an argument about it. And then it just goes back to him old self.

I feel like he just would prefer to be with someone else , someone who isn't with a massive belly with a little human inside (30 weeks pregnant) Someone who can actually turn him on, as he is just making me feel like I'm nothing right now. Despite his comments about how silly I am thinking I'm fat or ugly. I just don't feel it. He says all those things but his actions show different... :(

I love this man way too much , I never wanna let go of him but don't I deserve something better ? Someone who can't take their eyes off me ? Someone who can't take their hands off me :(?

My feelings towards him haven't change and I still feel the above towards him.. It's just saddening that he clearly dosent feel it back.

His excuse is that relationships don't be like that forever... but we're only 2 and half years together and already going on like an old couple...

Should that spark go away so soon ? Or of even ever ?