Confusing ex ??

So (sorry long story) but Ive been having the worst past three weeks all bc of my ex. So me and him broke up on the 21st of oct. (our six months was on the 25th), but decided to stay fwb. So that went on up until a week ago, but the thing is he was doing weird stuff the entire time. After we broke it off, I found out that he had given me bv and told his friends that my pussy was bad or whatever from some shit he gave me. So I found out about it and two days later I was on antibiotics- all good. To this day though I know he talks about me to his friends bc every time I see them when I’m with my friend picking her up from work (bc they all work at the same place) he won’t acknowledge me unless my friend is in the car bc he doesn’t want anyone to know he still talks to me.

But after we broke it off, he was the one still texting me every morning and throughout everyday. And he’d ask me all the time who I was sleeping with (even though there was no one) and then say he didn’t care but obviously he did if he was still asking.

So I found out from one of his friends that he fucked this other girl he works with but she was on triple c’s and doesn’t remember it. She’s also upset about it bc he was bragging about it to everyone (but me) and she had a bf. Idek what the situation is there now tbh. And then I found out that on the 4th of nov. he got into a relationship with this girl we’ll call T. So he never told me about T, I found out from his insta bio and when I brought it up he didn’t say much on it which makes me and my friends think he wanted to continue to be fwb while he was with this new girl.

But the dilemma is that we’re still supposed to be “friends” but bc I didn’t know he had a gf he cheated on her with me on the 5th. (Which was not even 24 hours after they posted about it). And people are telling me it is and it isn’t my place to tell T that he cheated on her w me and possibly with the other girl bc the tl is really foggy. Like idek how long they’ve been talking and bc we broke up so recently it’s possible he was talking to her while we were still together.

I just need advice on this, idk if I should continue to try and be his friend or tell T and ruin any friendship we could possibly have. I’m so conflicted on this but I keep thinking, more than anything, she deserves to know before she gets too emotionally invested in him and as far as I know, they’re relationship is 95% sex. So just based on that she deserves to know who he’s been sleeping with especially bc of the little amount of time between it.

Any advice is much appreciated!