Should I go see the doctor?


So I have a question ladies. I'm single, and I'm Active Duty Air Force in Technical Training right now. I'm not the type who sleeps around alot, but every once in awhile I go out and I like to have a fun night. Last month I slept with the same guy twice in the same week, no commitments or expectations, just having fun. I haven't really seen him since then, and like I said it's not a big deal because I didn't expect to. However, now my period is ten days late.

I've taken two separate pregnancy tests, and they both came back negative, but I still have had no indication that my period will start soon. I normally get pretty bad cramps and acne right before, and my boobs get sore, and I've had none of that.

The two days that we has sex were October 15 and October 19, once with a condom the first night, and then the second night we had sex several times with and without a condom.

So my question is: Should I go to the doctor for a blood test, or wait it out?


I should also note that my period used to be quite irregular in high school, but for the past four years it has never been more than one or two days off. I've been in some incredibly stressful situations during that time, and it's never been an issue. Right now I'm actually in a really great place in my life, financially and health wise, so I doubt that's a factor.