37 weeks- almost there....


So... first off I feel gigantic! I can’t sit up straight because it hurts so bad! I go to the bathroom literally every 5 minutes and lucky if it’s more than a couple tablespoons lol ! I had a dr app yesterday with my regular ob, I’m measuring a week and a half ahead and my bp was high for me. They also gave me tdap. Today was my appointment with my high risk dr (I’m 40). Bp was ok. I also had an ultrasound and she is measuring at 7lbs 8oz. She is seriously taking up the whole bump ! No wonder I can’t sit straight up! She is sunny side up as well. Her head is so far in my pelvis and I suppose that’s why I’m waddling like a duck! Her knees and legs feel like she is going to kick right through my belly. I now go to both drs every week and will have an ultrasound every week. I’m a little confused though; at my 20 week app they informed me that due to my age and history they will probably induce at 38 weeks because there is a much higher risk for stillborn. I have most certainly had ton of contractions at night and during the day along with some major hot flashes lol! No real true pattern though. I truly hope that she has decided to grace us with her presence soon. I have never felt so full in my entire life ! This is my fourth baby but it has been 11 years since my last. Anyways- If you’ve made it through this short story lol thank you! Just had to put my thoughts down somewhere. 💛🤗 Praying for a healthy end to this pregnancy!