I am happy but anxiety is taking over 😔


It's taking me 3 year to get to this point I have endometriosis and was told <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> was my next option but by a miracle it's happened naturally I am so grateful and feeling very lucky this little bundle growing inside me is my world already but I can't help but feel anxious scared and I am worried sick incase anything happens as it's took so long and it's all I want, I am only 4 weeks I want to jump for joy but scared to be happy yet, every pain twinge pull I feel I run to the bathroom to check for any blood to make sure everything is ok, I feel my heart beat out my chest and i am crying for absolutely no reason at all... does anyone else feel like this or have felt like this? it's my first pregnancy so not sure how to feel ❤️