We found out the gender today!

Mrs. L

My husband wanted to wait to find out when the baby was born to find out the gender.

He has said the whole time that he just wanted a healthy baby. Although he once mentioned that he'd like to have a son to be able to teach him all kinds of things. (He didn't think a daughter would be into learning how to work on cars, shooting guns etc). I was hoping for a daughter.

He knew I wanted to find out and and I think a part of him did too... once we got to the 20 week anatomy scan, he ended up saying that if I wanted to find out then that's fine. I asked if he was sure, because if he really didn't want to then we wouldn't. He said it was up to me. So I asked the tech to show us.... and it's a GIRL!!!! 💗💗💗 😊

My husband was quiet then and still is now that we are both home from work. I think he is a little disappointed, which surprised me because before he kept saying he just wanted a healthy baby.

Would love some encouragement or advice! Please no negativity, my husband is a good man.

Here's our princess: