Money and Fitness


I am a broke-ass bitch without a job currently going to school full-time and my only source of income is the final aid I get from going to college.

I am taking a spin class next semester (took self defense this last spring and it was AH-MAZING) but I didn’t need proper exercise shoes then because I just used gripper socks for class, and now I need real gym shoes. I really want to start exercising more, but as I can’t afford the shoes to even go walking around my block properly, I haven’t been able to really do anything. (All I own ate sandales)

I know that in a month or so I’ll have my FAFSA (financial aid), but I also know that that will coincide with the New Year and all gyms will be stuffed full of “Resolutioners” and make actual gym workouts more difficult until the majority of them quit. Of course I can just go for a brisk walk around my neighborhood, but my neighborhood also isn’t the safest.

Honestly, it’s all rather annoying, but I really hope to soon start taking measures to be at least a little healthier in my activities and diet. Of course, I’m not really trying to get “skinny” or anything, I just want to be a plus size that is healthier, maybe a little more toned in certain places, and dear god let me go down a breast size or two. That’s all I ask for.
