Should I leave?


Hey guys this is my first time posting but I need some advise. So I have Been with my so. For almost 4 1/2 years. Through out those years we have been through a lot and I’m just at my point to we’re I can’t deal anymore. So not that long ago we decided since I was in college and I needed time to find out who I really am before we committed to marriage. But we agreed that if someone was to come along and catch one another attention we would tell each so one another wouldn’t be wait on the other. So being that I’m really trying to find out who I am I haven’t even sought out anyone just focused on me. But last night we did a exercise that was assigned by my therapist that whatever he asked I had to answer truthfully and him the same. But what he came out with destroyed me. He came down to my school for our homecoming stayed with me but we didn’t do festivities together. But he would come back at odd hours of the night but being homecoming I didn’t think anything of it. But then he expressed that he slept with 3 people. But the issue I had was that he came back to me and layed in my bed and cuddle me and had sex with me as if nothing. One I felt disrespected because he felt he was justified to not tell me. Two he said he used protection so he didn’t think I was at risk . Three he said I’m tripping cause we not even together. Am I wrong for feeling like he doesn’t respect me cause he fucked me and some girl at the same night and he didn’t even tell me?