Little Brother tries to ruin my life

Hey guys, how do you deal with your family trying to bring you down in society.

I believe everyone has their moments that aren’t the brightest and a side they show only to their family.

My little brother recorded me 5 years ago, flipping out and cussing when I couldn’t get my car up the hill on a snowy day. No one would help me push my car up for safety and I overreacted.

Till this day he continues to show people the video to show others I am not as nice as I may seem. He threatens to show the guy I like. He has shown many guys I’ve been with in the past. till this day people who ask to see a side of me that’s “not so nice” too. It’s disgusting.

He also beat me pretty bad 1 years ago and constantly tells me he is so proud that he did.

Telling his friends he hates me and beats me/does not respect me.

My parents don’t care because they don’t think his actions are as serious as I tell them because he is younger than me. He’s a teenager 16 years old.

I just don’t understand why I get so much hate because of the video and for him beating me up.

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My brother is 13 and I am 20 years old. My brother constantly makes fun of me, calling me names as well as my boyfriend. I was wearing makeup one day and he said I looked like a transgender. (Like that’s an insult???? Thanks for the compliment, those who are transgender are BEAUTIFUL) He blackmails me and threatens to tell my dad horrible things like I have a boyfriend and that I sneak out (I don’t) and all this shit. He also gives me horrible attitude. Like today for example. I was washing dishes but had to use the restroom so I stopped to use the restroom and he comes to the door asking me, “hey aren’t you going to clean your mess?”In the rudest tone ever. Like seriously he’s so spoiled he’s asking for a whooping. He is the most disrespectful 13 year old I’ve met. Honestly I just ignore him. Fighting back doesn’t do anything. And my parents baby him and say “he’s a kid.” I’m sorry, no. He’s going to high school. He isn’t a damn kid.


gabby 🦋 • Nov 21, 2018
Also** my dad doesn’t know I have a boyfriend because he’s strict and crazy lol. We keep that away from him.


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I had this issue with a younger relative, I got so fed up I found the baby pictures of him (including my fav with him covered head to toe in poo) I made copies and took pictures on my phone. I told him the next time he starts with his shit the whole world will be seeing him in shit. I've only had to threaten it twice since in 4yrs.