Should she keep it?

So my mom 45 right now and she has this fuck buddy who lives with us, they aren’t going out but they live together like flatmates who are friends with benefits. I’m currently 18 and i still need financial support from her as i want to continue on with uni and we cant afford me living at uni rooms which are about $500 per week including wifi electricity water and food which is very expensive. And i currently cant get student loan and allowance because i have permanent residence and not a nz passport yet so it is more difficult for me. Anyway my mom has been with her f buddy without any protection and somehow she got pregnant and she wants to keep the baby regardless. And she only wants to keep it because she thinks it will give her companionship after i leave her and because she wants govt support as well for single mom. And to me i think it is an absolutely disasteous idea because her f buddy and i both do not want her to keep the baby and we both do not like each other. He is pro nazi and is a white supremist while im fine with people of all colour shape and orientation while he thinks feminists are crazy chicks with armpit hair and piercings. So our political and world views do not match, furthermore he called me a slut for posting a bikini pic on social media and said many disgusting things to my mom. So i feel like they do not have a healthy relationship and if the baby was born it would not have been a good environment. Furthermore her f buddy does not have a steady job he lives at home like a couch potato with no income and our whole family lives off her pay and my pay which covers some food electricity and water. And i would just have such a major age gap between this child that its hard for me to accept and i have a lot of sleeping problems because im sensitive to noise so having a baby around would be extremely difficult for me and it also means i will not be allowed to have friends over anymore because it will disrupt the baby. And my mom doesnt allow me to drive so we live far and shes my only source of transport and ofc thats going to be different too, her f buddy only has a motorbike so she is really my only option of reliable transport. I just think its going to be very inconvenient for everyone because no one is ready for this and i would not be allowed to do much after this so i would have to move out straight away but it is very difficult for me to study at uni and pay for rent...etc, so i dont know what to do. Do u guys think my mom should keep the baby or what? Because she is nearly hitting menopause its likely that the baby will become disabled or something so she is unsure about everything as well.

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