Feeling accomplished!!

Jennifer • Hopelessly in love with my soulmate, mother of four beautiful kiddos: 💕03/03/08, 💙05/06/10, 👼💙09/28/18 - 06/02/2020, 💙03/27/2022 and current expecting #5 in July

At first when my son was born I was able to get 3 to 4 oz out of each breast if and when I did pump (which wasn't often). Then my milk sort of regulated to what my son needs and I was barely pumping an ounce per breast. Everything I had saved in the freezer the previous weeks went very quickly as my son eats quite a bit more than the 2 to 3 Oz they say he's supposed to eat 😆 We used it while my mother-in-law was here so that she could feed him and look after him while we went to the grocery store etc. Then the rest was used when my mom looked after him while I was doing an event for my business. My son is not a super fan of formula but he does take formula if I mix it with half breast milk (if it's just formula he drools and spits it everywhere). After my little stash was gone, I was pumping my 1 to 2 oz and then I would usually use that within the next day if I needed a break or if his dad wanted to feed him. So I decided to try fenugreek, at first I was taking the one pill per day as recommended on the bottle and didn't see a huge difference in my supply. Then I read that I was supposed to be taking up to six of them a day so I have been taking four to six capsules per day for the last 2 days and today it paid off. I pumped 4 ounces from just one breast and it wasn't even empty when I stopped! This was only 3 hours since my son last fed both sides. I may just be able to build up a supply in the freezer after all 👍👍👍 Fenugreek worked for me, it does make your urine and sweat smell like maple syrup but hey, there are much worse things in life to smell like than delicious maple syrup 🥞