Sleeping with an extra pillow or bed elevated


So I talked to my doctor yesterday at my appointment because I was having tons of problems. 4th baby so I figured it was all normal and what was expected. My back hurts when I sleep, it’s hard to breath during the night, my blood pressure drops low, I would get dizzy, sweating. So he told me that I shouldn’t be laying flat on the bed, and what he meant by that was put an extra pillow under your head so you are in an inclined position. I hate extra pillows and we have an electric bed that moves so I put the bed up a little. I would say probably enough so my pillow was a 45 degree angle from flat. OMG y’all. I had the best nights sleep ever. I haven’t slept that good in months. My back didn’t hurt while I slept, I could breathe, first night I didn’t wake up in a puddle of sweat, not dizzy....

All that to say, if you are having problems like I did, try sleeping with an extra pillow if you can handle it! It will be worth it!