Over supply?


Ladies how did you know you had over supply? We had a rocky first 5 weeks with bfing because of a tongue tie but its been 4 weeks since then and i feel like i have so much milk. His nighttime routine had been consistent since he was a month old and im pouring milk all night. He goes down for the night at 1030 and usually wakes up at 330 and then again at 630. And it never seems like hes draining my breasts untill the evening when hes on and off every 30 ish minutes. Im leaking all the time during the day. I feel like he has a pretty consistent eating routine yet my supply seems to be taking forever to regulate. Also he has yellow stool and great weight gain so im not worried about a foremilk imbalance. I did exclusively pump the first 2 weeks every 2 hours but even if that created an oversupply shouldn't it have regulated by now?