Need help with weightloss...

Hey everyone, I'm a 22 year-old single mom of two kids (they are 4 and 5). I have started gaining weight a bit because of stress eating. I'm a student and also have 2 jobs. Having babysitting for my kids has been a huge struggle since my mom was originally my babysitter. My mom has been staying in the hospital caring for my brother who has become paralyzed (it's temporary but will take a year or two for him to be back to himself)

I really don't want to gain a lot of weight because it took me years before I even lost any of my pregnancy weight and i never got back down to my pre-pregnancy weight.

I was wondering if any of you ladies have any insight on like meals I can make and how to fight cravings/episodes of stress eating. And good ways to keep myself drinking water. I've tried and app but I didn't really like it so you haven't suggestions they will be greatly appreciated.

I am 161 and I'm 5'3" my pre pregnancy weight was 128 a lot of which was from muscle.