Quadrapligic cerebral palsy


Long story short: my husband's parents has custody of my husband's niece who has this condition. She is 5 yrs old. We live with my in laws and I help out as much as possible. If any momma has a child with this condition as you know it's very demanding. She has so many needs and I have learned littler tricks here and there out of trial and error. Mostly error haha. I was wondering if any momma out there could take the time to help educate me more on this and if they had tricks and tips to make both mine and mother in laws life easier and my sweet niece. I also must add she has been neglected most of her life and that's why we have her. I want the best for this sweet girl. Anything that may help would be greatly appreciated. TIA

The pic is of me holding her dancing. She freaking loved it.... As you can clearly tell?!?!?!