Getting an abortion when your mother has had a miscarriage...guilty conscience

My boyfriend and I have not been together for that long. While we had been building up a flirtatious relationship for over a year, we have only been together for two months. We were reckless and now I am about 6-7 weeks pregnant I believe. He’s been incredibly supportive and tomorrow I have a doctor’s appointment to get a referral for an abortion. My mom had a miscarriage when I was about 10 and I saw the way it destroyed her and my parents marriage. While I know she would support me and love me unconditionally, I could never put this on her. I would never want to cause her pain with the fact that she lost a baby she wanted when I am about to abort one I have decided I cannot have at this time (I’m 20 and in my second year of university).

Is it wrong for me to keep this from my mother? The guilt of knowing what she has been through consumes me and the last thing I want is to pile on more pain on her. But she’s the person I trust the most and tell everything to, even when I wanted to commit suicide on various occasions she has been the one I have gone to for support. I think I am making the right decision but I guess I want reassurance.

Furthermore, I believe I will be doing the pill method. What can I expect physically and emotionally? What have been your experiences? I am so scared that the guilt will eat me alive and that I won’t be able to recover from this (I suffer from manic depression and generalized anxiety disorder).