I need help..

I had sex with my boyfriend about two weeks ago. I'm not on birth control and the condom BROKE. he didn't ejaculate inside of me, but my period is 4 days late and I'm freaking out. I'm only 17, I can not. be. pregnant. I can't. I havent taken a test yet, I havent had the chance to get one, but I will as soon as possible. is there any advice you guys have in the way of ways to naturally abort?? I'm not talking otc or sketchy drugs online. I heard something about Papaya being a natural way? I'm just looking for feedback from anyone who's tried or knows someone that's tried something like this. I want to have kids in the future, I'm only looking for something completely natural and safe. my state requires parental consent and there's no way I'll get it. there's no way I'm even gonna ask. I haven't even told my boyfriend that my period is late. there's a chance that my period might be late for whatever other reason, but if I'm not overreacting and I'm actually pregnant, there's no way I can carry. I can't do it. I just need advice