9 months pregnant and a sick 6 yo


So I got my induction date. I’ll be induced on the 26th of November because of grow restrictions. I myself am only 75 lbs and 4’ 10” not pregnant so i knew this was going to be the case for my second baby.

Well I’m getting ready for my induction on Monday. And thanking God that I didn’t go into labor on Thanksgiving, my 6 yo daughter catches a cold. So in the middle of the night my lo comes to my bedside to wake up my partner.

My partner tells my lo to go back to bed and just drink some water, that she’ll be fine.

So I’m laying there listening to the lack of parenting and I get out of bed and go to my lo’s room and ask what’s wrong.

SHES BARELY BREATHING! She’s really congested, the mucus is triggering her asthma, and top it off she’s got a fever.

So I took all the steps, inhaler, congestion medicine, fever reducer, and breathing treatment.

After I put in all the work, my partner wants to get up and come in the room and ask well what’s wrong with her.

It got me thinking is this the type of person I want to help me raise my son?

I have been a single mom since my daughter was born, I can do it again.

It’s now Friday morning 2 days before I go in to be induced and I know I’ll probably be sick from taking care of my lo, but I can’t trust my partner to do it.

I just feel like being this far into my pregnancy, my partner should have done better, and this isn’t the first time.

Am I wrong for being so upset?

We already had a talk about me moving back home to Arizona to be with my family cause I just don’t trust my partner to be stable enough to help me with this new baby. Since we moved to Michigan everything has gotten so much worse.

Thoughts ladies?

Please no negativity, just looking for some thoughts and advise.

Thank you!