How to explain to your SO how bad you anxiety is


My anxiety is terrible..I have tried Zoloft 2 different times, uped the dose both times per doctors orders and it did nothing! My anxiety and depression are starting to get the better part of my relationship and I can't seem to get my S.O to understand or when I do try to explain how things are he just says.."nice" like I get he wont just know what to do...but if I tell him things he could do to help me with being supportive or just reassuring...he just goes, "k" but he doesn't do shit..if anything he will tell me things or call me names that trigger my symptoms...and lord help me then....idk what to do..I love him, but like he either needs to be helpful or supportive or I think I might have to end it....I have went to therapy and he offered couples counseling, and when I booked the appointment he kept saying that time and date doesnt work for me..over and over again. So I told him then you call her and book it...he never did...its like he wants to be helpful..but doesn't want to actually put in the effort......does anyone have pointers on how to get my love to understand mental illness, or at least get us started in that direction? My mind constantly assumes the worst..and im always defensive or just end up shutting down and that doesn't help anything...thanks