Go to the hospital or not



So on Monday I went to the doctor because I was having really bad symptoms, and he said it was bronchritis and strep throat. I'm on day 5 out of 10 for the medicine but I feel like absolute crap, like I'm getting worse, its hard to breathe and I'm coughing up so much green as well as constantly feeling like I have a fever and muscle and body aches. So should I go to the hospital?

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Is your doctors office closed today? I would hate for you to go to the hospital and pick up an additional disease :/


Nikki • Nov 23, 2018
Will do, thank you for the advice!


A • Nov 23, 2018
I would call the clinic and ask their advice. Or wear a mask when you go to the hospital. Like I said I would just hate for you to pick up another disease especially if your immunity is already low from fighting this one:( but if it IS pneumonia it needs checked out for sure. I would def call


Nikki • Nov 23, 2018
It's more of a walk in clinic so it's not the same doctor every day. My concern is it being an pneumonia but the walk in doesn't have an x ray machine :(


Posted at
Are you able to contact your Dr. Through email to see what they say? A nurse hotline or urgent care? It could have progressed into pneumonia since they are the same bacteria. But dont quote me


🤣 • Nov 23, 2018
I would take the risk and wear a mask as soon as I walked in the hospital


Nikki • Nov 23, 2018
That's what I am worried about but it is just a walk in clinic doctor so I don't have any way to contact him specifically. My concern is not getting an xray done to rule out if it is pneumonia