Breastfeeding for 2


Let’s just say this mom is T-I-R-E-D. Long story short, my daughter is exclusively breast fed and is 2 months old. I used to exclusively pump for her first 6 weeks, so I have a little over supply but it’s definitely manageable.

My younger cousin just had her son 2 weeks ago and she was not planning to breast feed, as she did not with her first son either. Well the first week or so that she spent letting her body dry up her milk, her son was going through different formulas, all of which he was vomiting. (Not just spit up). We tried everything, pace feeding, formula change, hypoallergenic formulas. The only thing he can keep down regularly is my breast milk. I offered to let him try it out for a few days to see if maybe he has a cows milk allergy. (He ended up barfing up that special formula too). So now his mom is trying to re-establish her milk supply but we know that can take a week or so for her body to start producing again. It’s not totally dried up because she can still get a very tiny amount out and it seems to increase a little everyday so far, slowly but surely. But man have I been exhausted having to juggle two babies schedules with my milk production schedule lol. I used to only pump in the morning for relief but I pump twice a day now so he has some milk to drink overnight. During the day I’ve been nursing him. I also just had my c-section scar re-opened to have a 10 cm cyst removed 4 days ago lol.

It’s been rough but I feel so blessed to be able to provide nourishment to another baby during his time of need until his mom can either re-establish her milk or find a formula that works for him.

Women’s bodies are amazing and I feel like super woman right now. I never thought I’d feel so strongly about breast feeding and really enjoy doing it. I’m considering still donating milk even after my daughter stops breast feeding.

Any mamas out there donate to other babies?