So I'm a terrible wife


Or at least that's how everyone is choosing to make me feel. Im 31w (tomorrow) with b/g twins I am not aloud to do much of course however shit still needs to get done before our babies get here so that falls on my husband. Well I guess asking him to fix his back passenger door so it unlocks with all the other doors so it's easier for him to get our children in and out of his car, asking for him to build the glider, bookshelf, and to get the 5 gallon full water jugs up a flight of stairs to our apt is asking too much and I need to give him a break. I've been told I'm expecting him to do too much and yet when I try to do ANYTHING ppl tell me I can't do that and I need to take it easy. He has been able to sleep till 10:30 am for the past 3 days while I've only gotten 3-4 hours of sleep every night for the past 2 weeks. I asked him to fix his car door and to get the water dispenser on his days off that is all. If he doesn't do anything to help get ready for OUR children it will be left to me or it won't get done at all. Wtf am I supposed to do we aren't expected to make it till 38w my Dr is guessing 36w that leaves 5w to get everything completely done when nothing is completely done and im sure I'll get blamed for that. I fuckin hate ppl. UGHHH!!!!