Pregnant? Menopause? Crazy?

Lauren • ✝️ • 👼👼👼👧👼👧

I ovulated for sure. Confirmed by temps on CD 17 (oct 31). Had the weirdest period ever (1 day very heavy, 2nd day spotting and that’s the end. Mine are always at least 5 days and go medium, heavy, medium and then get lighter ) on Nov 14-15.

Temps dropped on the day the weird period started but rose up again the next day and are now near my highest post-ov temps. Though I am technically only on CD 10.

Weirdest symptoms ever: have painful and burning boobs (never had this before), odd twinges and cramps, and the worst nausea ever (pain and dizzy spells and randomly puking in my mouth a little bit. It feels like a mix between motion sickness and a hangover. And so fatigued. I almost died after jogging for just 5 minutes yesterday and just slept 10 hours (never do this).

If I were pregnant, I would be 5 weeks and 4 days (calculated because I ovulated on CD 17 and not CD 14). Got BFNs up until 2 days ago ( which would be 23 dpo for my last cycle). I also drink a lot of water and pee almost every hour but I feel like it is too late for a negative urine test even with dilution.

I am not trying to sound crazy here. My short period and the boob pain is what is just really freaking me out. I am so worried that I am going through early menopause or something. I am only 28.

Please don’t tell me to just go to a doctor. I live in a foreign country and the health system here is different. I don’t want to go in there and sound like a nut or they wont take me seriously in the future. Just... any ideas as to what is going on?anything? Or just smiley gifs? Keep me from worrying myself to death?