Advice please 😩 longish post!

So me and my partner have been together 3 years and have a 4 month old together. We are not getting on and to be honest probably haven’t got on for half of our relationship. We have the same argument pretty much every day. He always accuses me of either saying something wrong or doing something wrong.

We haven’t had it easy with our baby. She has had tummy problems and we have been back and forwards to the doctors trying to get answers. She screams most of the day and it is hard work. He doesn’t see this because he is at work all day - which obviously he needs to be to pay the bills etc. We have paid a lot of money to see private doctors etc who have given us some great advice. However he will not follow this advice and thinks he can do whatever he wants with our baby. I have tried to explain to him that we are seeing these doctors to make her better and I am the one that has to deal with it when she screams all day so why can’t he follow their advice? But then I get told I am telling him what to do and he doesn’t get to make any decisions? And then the next day he will say he couldn’t spend a whole day with her by himself because he wouldn’t know what to do.. but I have tried showing him and then I get accused of telling him what to do?! This is how petty our relationship is and it is every single day. This is just one example aswel but the arguments tend to always be revolved around something that I have done to piss him off. I can’t take it anymore. I’m not saying I’m an angel I know I can do stuff wrong sometimes. But him arguing with me every day about something I honestly don’t really think is wrong is frustrating and exhausting. I don’t feel like I make him happy which is then making me unhappy. I just want someone that loves me for who I am and appreciates the hard work of being a mum especially to a baby that screams pretty much all day. Not sure weather to leave him or try and work through this for our daughter but it has been going on for so long now 😩 we just can’t seem to go a day without arguing!