Feeling emotional..plz help

Kodi • )○(

So my LO is 1 month old today. I need to go back to work sometime soon but I'm really nervous to do so b/c I'm afraid I can't make enough milk to pump for my son!

I haven't been using my electric pump yet. Been trying to let LO feed from me directly to increase my supply.

Idk how to do this! I'll I'll only be working 8hrs a day maybe a couple days a week to start with. But still.

I use my haakaa pump while I feed my LO to catch let down from the breast he isn't on & I've been doing this all night for the past few nights & I have four 5oz bags in freezer now. But that is taking me all night to accumulate 5oz that way.

What if I can't produce enough for him!?!

I don't want to formula feed. It makes me feel like a failure & I wanna cry.

What formula would I even use anyway?

I need support & advice plz.

I'm a mess!