I’m so excited to grow out my hair

I had my hair cut like 4 inches so it was at/ slightly above my shoulders bc my hair was DEAD. now my hair as grown a bit so it’s mayyybee a bit below my shoulders (my hairs curly so the days I wash my hair its like at my shoulders, then after a few days of not washing, it’s begun to lose curly so it looks longer and slightly below shoulders.)

But my face looks much slimmer when my hairs long and I’m over the initial excitement of short hair at this point. I want longer hair so I can put it in ponytails without me and it looking like potatoes (throw back to 5th grade😂💀).

Ik you cant make hair grow faster and you just got to wait it out, but for my sanity , are there any remedies or whatever like oils or masks, etc to make my hair really healthy and possibly grow faster even if it’s not even noticeable. Just so ik I’m doing something instead of just waiting. Also sorry for the ramble, I could of made this post 1 sentence easily.