Why I felt I needed to take a test.


I posted this picture this morning (11:30)

And I just took this (16:30)

AF was due today.

I had a MC at 13 weeks in February and a chemical two months ago. I’m excited but anxious.

Signs before my BFP

1) Boobs slightly sore first thing in the morning.

2) slept for 11 hours Friday and Saturday night (rock and roll).

3) Normal cramps like I was getting my period (still happening tbh)

4) I’m on a diet and I’m usually quite controlled but at the weekend I just wanted burgers and chocolate

5) MAIN SIGN that made me take a test. Around lunchtime today at work, I thought I smelt really badly of body odour. I bathed last night and showered this morning and used deodorant but my armpits (Sorry TMI) were really whiffy. I googled it thinking it was related to my period but got lots of results about it being a pregnancy symptom. So I went to the pharmacy at lunch and got a cheap test. A faint pink line appeared.

6) looking back, I thought I could smell all sorts of weird things over the weekend.

7) Big urge to clean my house at the weekend.

8) Telling my husband to ‘eff off!’ When he annoyed my yesterday (thought it was PMS)

9) ALOT of creamy CM about a week after ov.

10) We only baby danced once in my window (3 days before ov expected) and once over a week later.

It’s a total surprise. My husband said ‘what does that mean?’ To the digital 😂 and asked how accurate it was. The loss hit him hard too so we are both taking it one day at a time.

Prayers for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy take home baby please.