Breastfeesing / wet diaper advice


How many wet diapers is your baby supposed to have during the day? I had been pumping like I previously posted, but now I'm trying to focus more on figuring out breastfeeding him more and not pumping as often. He's almost 6 weeks. I was doing it every 2-3 hours. But it's hard to keep that up and I wasn't breastfeeding really bc of his latch. So I'm working on his latch now...

I don't like not know how many oz he's getting per feeding... Today he fed for 20 min and seemed content then 2 hrs later he only fed for 10 and seemed okay. I offered him a bottle both times and he took 1 oz after about a half hour after the 10 min feeding...

I'm nervous he's not getting enough bc normal when I pump or give him formula he has between 2-4 usually 3 oz every 2-3 hrs.

Any insight?