Bf Never Likes My Pics But Likes Other Girls Pics


So, I know that social media isn’t everything & ppl had relationships without it since the beginning of time & everything, but we have it NOW & everyone knows that deep down they care about certain things regarding social media & relationships. I feel I’m a bit insecure tho, & just want to know how other girls would feel if this were them. My boyfriend never likes the pictures I post. It’s rare. We have a baby together and he never liked the pictures I posted while pregnant of my belly or anything. Never likes my selfies. But I always notice when he likes pictures of other girls, girls who he’s had sex with before btw. He will heart react to the pics also. A lot. Same days I post a pic & another girl does I see he liked hers & not mine. We have had our relationship on fb before but anytime we fight he takes it off & since the last fight I haven’t even asked to have it back on there bc what’s the point? He doesn’t post a lot on social media but he’s active on there. He doesn’t ever bother to tag or post me in anything or react to anything I post, but will to other girls posts? Especially heart react a girl’s pic?? Am I being dramatic or is this not understandable? It makes me not even want to be “lovey dovey” toward him or even be in a good mood around him when I’m having an insecure day, which is often.